FFO damage in Azov Sea, arrest and a huge claim

Description of the matter:
The vessel contacted old unoperated berth, owned by the local bunkering company. The vessel was arrested, the amount of  claim - $ 800,000.
Our part:
Initial activity on releasing the vessel from arrest and making her free to trade further. Legal representation in the court acting on behalf of the Shipowner, being sued by the owners of the berth.
The accident happened in a small port of Azov Sea and we faced lots difficulties while trying to grant the Security, allowing the vessel to sail. The owners of the berth did not accept such and we were able to force handing in the Security in notary presence only.
The legal proceedings in court took approximately 3 years all over, involving 7 experts, 5 independent berth evaluations, more than 20 grievances and appeal instance.
We were successful to decrease the sued amount to approximately $170,000.